Dispute Resolution / Arbitration

Price revisions, claim for damages, access to infrastructure assets, voidness of contract…

We support you in safeguarding your interests before and along the entire process of an arbitration proceeding. As leading expert or as background advisor, with experience gained from over 100 proceedings.

Energy Transition

Auctions for renewable energies, business models for renewable and conventional power producers, perspectives for energy storages, due diligence for plant investments…

We support you in successfully seizing the opportunities and in countering the risks of the Energy Transition. With profound knowledge, we sound out markets considering latest trends and we provide tailor-made analyses and recommendations.

Natural Gas

Evaluation of gas assets, potential for sales volumes and earnings in end-customer markets, perspectives for sector integration, support in negotiations of gas supply contracts…

Natural gas is an important source of energy. We monitor and evaluate relevant market trends and develop viable solutions to your individual problems. With the long-standing expertise of our team.


LNG Market Radar (11th edition, July 2024)

The 11th edition of our LNG Market Radar is now available for download here...


Feature article by Prof. Graham Weale on the ramp-up of hydrogen

Prof. Graham Weale considers the current challenges to the ramp-up of hydrogen in a feature article for Tagesspiegel Background. ...


Current filling levels of natural gas storages in Germany


H2-Market-Radar (6th edition, February 2024)

The 6th edition of our H2 Market Radar is now available for download here...



LNG Market Radar (10th edition, January 2024)

The 10th edition of our LNG Market Radar Germany is now available for download here ...